Other Ford Tractor Powered Equipment
Worthington Tractors
By: John Smith of Old Ford Tractors
Looking For Something?
The 4 cylinder flathead engine used in the N-series tractors was also used in many other applications. Lots of them were sold as stationary power units to power everything from pumps to generators and welders. Below are just a few of the more common applications for the "N" engine.
The 9N in WW2
We've all seen the mototugs which were actually a converted 9N tractor and not just the engine. These were used at airports to move planes and other items. The military was a major customer during WWII with many of these seeing duty overseas and on aircraft carriers.
In 1941 Ford produced the "GP" (jeep) for the military. It used the 9N engine with the addition of a fuel pump. It's pretty rare to find one of these today.

1941 Ford Panel Car
Ford also installed the 9N engine in '41 model panel delivery trucks for use in town.

Toro Golf Course Tractor
The Toro golf course tractor. Remember the Pennzoil commercial with Arnold Palmer sitting on one of these? They use the 9N engine and Ford truck transmission and rear end. That's a dump box on the back. Good looking rigs and pretty handy, too.

Worthington Golf Course Tractor
Then there's the Worthington golf course tractor. This is a 1952 Worthington Chief model "G". It uses the 8N industrial power unit consisting of the engine, radiator, front support and hood and grille. The Worthington folks assembled the rest. The front axle and steering gear are from a Ford 1/2 ton pickup while the 4 speed transmission and rear end are from a Ford 3/4 ton pickup. The frame is made from channel iron. The tractor has hydraulic brakes and a spring and shock type E-Z Ride seat.
The rear wheel weights are an integral part of the wheel and weigh 130 pounds each. Turf type tires were standard but this one has ag style rear tires. The 2 most common options on the tractor itself were dual rear wheels and a PTO. The most common attachment for the tractor was the gang mower, but a sickle bar mower, front snow blade, heavy duty loader, and rotary highway sweeper brush were also available. The tractor has a wheelbase of 57 inches, it weighs 2110 pounds, and the turning radius is 5-1/2 feet. Top speed in first gear is 6 mph. Top speed in fourth gear is 40 mph. No, that's not a misprint - this thing will actually go 40 mph!
Thanks to John Smith of Old Ford Tractor for allowing us to use this information.