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Membership Information
Would you like to join an organization where you can get information on tractor models, years, or other technical matters related to the Ford/Fordson from 1917 up to New Holland, including English, Irish and American Models.
Then the Ford/Fordson Collectors Association is for you! You don't have to own a tractor to belong!
The purpose of the Ford/Fordson Collectors Association is to:
- Form a worldwide non-profit organization of individuals to preserve the name and tradition of all tractors and equipment bearing the names Fordson, Ford-Ferguson, Ford and Dearborn.
- Provide a forum and medium through which anyone may exchange information and materials for renovation, maintenance and historical background of the above listed family of equipment Assemble a worldwide registry of Ford/Fordson tractors.
- Organize and conduct an annual meeting for display and personal exchange of Fordson, Ford-Ferguson, Ford and Dearborn equipment and/or information. Meeting locations vary from year to year.
The dues are $30.00 per year, $55.00 for 2 years, or $75.00 for 3 years. Other than U.S., $40 per year. All foreign dues must be submitted in U.S. Funds payable from a Bank within the U.S.A. . Make checks payable to: F/FCA and send to the Ford/Fordson Collectors Association, 2246 E 100 N, Winamac, IN 46996.