F/FCA Officers and Directors

Ted Foster
Buchanan, MI 49107

Jake Berger
Website and Journal Editor
Winamac, IN 46996
Charlie Hardesty
All Fords
418 N. 475 W
Valparaiso, IN 46385
Phone: 219-759-1035
Email: ford700@juno.com
Doug Norman
All Fords Incl. 6 & V-8 Conversions
1035 Hwy. 7 SW
Montevideo, MN, 56265
Phone: 320-269-7015
Jake Berger
2246 E 100 N
Winamac, IN 46996
Email: Jake@FordTractorCollectors.com
John Kern
7244 State Rd
62 Dale IN 47523
Phone: 812-937-2050
Mike Hyland
14290 County Road 8
Spring Valley, MN 55975
Phone: 507-251-1220
E-mail: mike@hylandmotoco.com
Roger Elwood
Fords and Fordsons
300 Indian Mtn. Rd
Lakeville, CT 06039
Phone: 860-806-5054
Email: rogerelwood@gmail.com
Danny Norman
Chairman Exec. Comm.
R.R. # 2, Box 81
Allenhurst GA 31301
Phone: 912-368-7412
Email: dnorman@costalnow.net
Doug Paul
P.O. Box 1867
Hiram Oh. 044234
Phone: 330-569-7594
Email: djp55e@gmail.com
Jay Scasso
PO Box D
Millerten, NY 12546
Phone: 860-307-3118
Email: tojscasso@tonic.net
Kyle Doty
2561 N Wynoose Rd
Noble, IL 62868
Phone: 618-694-0744
E-mail: kddoty@gmail.com
Mike Pund
Fords and Fordsons
19406 N St Rd 162
Ferdinand, IN 47532
Phone: 812-631-5522
Email: mikekpund@gmail.com
Ted Foster
P O Box 506
Buchanan, MI 49107
Phone: 269-470-3888
Email: ted@fordtractorcollectors.com
Don Church
7625 Hoyt Ave
Indianappolis IN. 46239
Phone: 317-351-8765 / Cell 317-709-1473
Email: dctractor@att.net
Glenn Birk
All Fordsons
58503 - 187 Lane
Mankato, MN 56001
Phone: 507-245-3349
Email: glenbirk@gmail.com
John Bensyl
2557 County Route 2800 N
Penfield, IL. 61862
Phone: 217-840-1728
Email: jbbensyl@aol.com
Loren Booth
217 Sadie St.
Laurens, IA 50554
Phone: 515-368-0445
Email: lorenstractorshed@gmail.com
Phil Muritz
Ford and Fordson
12622 Unger Rd
Smithsburg, MD 21783
Phone: 301-824-7477
Email: philmuritz@hotmail.com
Honoring Our Past
Founding Directors (1992 Georgetown, Ohio)
Robert Brown
Newfield, New Jersey
Deceased (2001)
1992 - 2001
Dwight Emstrom
Galesburg, Illinois
Deceased (2018)
1992 - 2014
Palmer Fossum
Northfield, Minnesota
Deceased (2007)
1992 - 2005
Ira Stout
North Vernon, Indiana
Deceased (2018)
1992 - 2008
Doug Norman
Montevidio, Minnesota
Active Director
Floyd Rockwell
Trenton, Ohio
Senior Advisor Emeritus
1992 - 1999
Jack Crane
Lebanon, Indiana
Senior Advisor Emeritus
Deceased (2020)
1992 - 2005
Jim Ferguson
Loveland, Ohio
Deceased (2015)
1992 - 2006
Duane Helman
Rosewood, Ohio
Senior Advisor Emeritus
Deceased (2023)
1992 - 2007
Phil Muritz
Smithsburg, Maryland
Active Director
Dean Simmons
Fredericktown, Ohio
Senior Advisor Emeritus
1992 - 2008
Dan Whelan
Amelia, Ohio
Senior Advisor Emeritus
1992 - 1999
Retired Directors
Don Artman
Bourbonnais, Illinois
1999 - 2018
Senior Advisor
Don Barkley
Shelby, North Carolina
2002 - 2006
Senior Advisor
Carl Davis
Berrien Center, Michigan
2009 - 2010
Deceased (2010)
Dana Ishman
Racine, Wisconsin
2012 - 2017
Deceased (2017)
Sam McGhee
Jonesborough, Tennessee
2002 - 2012
Senior Advisor
Darell Roberts
Cortland, Ohio
2005 - 2007
Marvin Shepherd
Lawson, Missouri
2009 - 2014
Deceased (2018)
Bob Wenzlaff
Kewaskum, Wisconsin
2009 - 2012
Senior Advisor
Derek Barkley
Shelby, North Carolina
2006 - 2015
Richard Best
Woodbridge, California
2003 - 2006
Brian Hughes
Danville, Indiana
Senior Advisor
Paul Martin
Marion, Iowa
1997 - 2008
Senior Advisor
Steve Parker
Mahomet, Illinois
2006 - 2015
Deceased (2015)
Rufus Roberts
Cortland, Ohio
1994 - 2005
Deceased (2016)
Ron Stauffer
Portland, Indiana
1994 - 2008
Senior Advisor
Dan Zilm
Claremont, Minnesota
1994 - 2002
Deceased (2002)